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Kurban Bayramı (Holiday) in Turkiye:
Eid al-Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice is the second of the two main holidays celebrated in Islam. Part of their meat is consumed by the family which offers the animal, while the rest of the meat is distributed to the poor and the need.
On the first day of the Sacrifice Feast in Turkey, men from each family traditionally go to the mosque for a special morning prayer. In some parts of the nation, the sacrificed goat is henna-painted and adorned with ribbons. In recent years, some Turkish people have started making donations to charity organizations instead of sacrificing animals.
Hotels have a great impact on enjoyment of the trip. Choose 5-star, 4-star and 3-star hotels as well as bookings easily from this page or website and be smart in your planning.
We have prepared various tour packages for you that you can use to plan and have a memorable holiday in Eid al-Adha. These tours are planned as:group private and family.
Also Tours are with Tour guide and Translator and Transfer (private and public)
Top travel destinations in Turkey for Kurban Bayramı:
We have compiled the best travel destinations in Turkey for Kurban Bayram here and on the website so that you can plan a memorable trip in Turkey.